hellfire yoga is a heavy metal yoga practice that will test your mind, body, and forsaken soul.
Design by taylor at www.taylormeers.com
FUNeral March at Bequinox 2022
Lord Yogaroth rejoices with a freshly decapitated hippie from his Hellfire Yoga morning session, as he leads a legion of disciples to epic glory.
what you will learn
Headbanging Pose (warm ups)
black hole sun salutations (vinyasa)
death breath (pranayama)
choking and torture (relaxation)
3rd eye suicide (finding inner peace)
black and death metal music (relaxing sound bath)
screaming in your sleep and channeling better nightmares (meditation)
rosemary's baby and giving birth to the antichrist mula bandha (pre-natal yoga)
power metal yoga (ashtanga yoga)
find your falsetto and death growls (kundalini yoga)
funeral pyre (bikram yoga)
Satanasana-Corpse Pose (Savasana-Corpse pose)
“Civilization is like a thin layer of ice upon a deep ocean of chaos and darkness.”
― Werner Herzog